Outline of Efforts to Promote Digital Transformation (DX)

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As the world's digital economies grow increasingly, there is a growing movement in developing countries to address issues through the use of digital technologies and data to realize a sustained digital economies. At the central and local government levels, efforts are being made to modernize the systems, and there is a growing momentum for a digital transformation that can make rational basis policy decisions based on evidence of data. The unprecedented corona catastrophe highlights potential social issues more explicitly, and in uncertainty environments, on the other hand, digital change is required proactively.

JTEC provides support for digital transformation in overseas countries. In the broader sense, we are focusing on Smart City, Smart Village, and on social issues in the areas of disaster prevention, traffic, medical care, farming, and cyber security. We identify and promote digital technology projects, and provide advice and capacity building on digital change.

â—†Efforts to promote DX by promoting the use of digital technologies and data
1. Information collaboration structure for Smart City building
2. Collaboration of business partners for DX promotion
3. SDGs

â—†Specific activities
1. ASEAN Disaster Prevention Information System (ASEAN ICT Fund)
2. Discussion on the Information collaboration structure for Smart City building in Indonesia
3. Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation with Makassar City
4. Problem-solving training (capacity building) using IoT/ICT
5. Initiatives of promoting Telemedicine
6. Support for ICT utilization in agriculture